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Exodus - 26 Nigerians - Lino black on. white.gif
EXODUS - Lino logo.jpg

For this project, we engaged as artists in camps and refugee centers and we used our skills as theatre artists to make contacts  and to release expression...

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A book about our collective experience
considering migration and eco-displacement

engravings by Sam Kerson and Katah
Printed at our Atelier du Livre 
in Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada

-Title page

-24 original prints

-Front and back colophons


- This is a limited edition of 10

Book size: 17 X 20 X 1.5 inches
Hahnehmüle 300 gsm

This artist book is accompanied by the paperback of the same name,

The paperback is available on Amazon or here: 

Scroll down to view images

$ 3500 USD

This book is the result of our project, "Artists as Witness", which was first a series of field trips; to Lesbos one year, then to France and Italy, Ventimiglia, and Breil sur Roya, the next. Our process was to offer art workshops in various refugee-camps so we could see what was happening with and to the refugees. We wanted to hear their stories. This book is a collection of images in various mediums, including dry point, lithography and linoleum blocks.
The book concept and design we did together.
Many of the images were drawn on site.
Some texts are digitally reproduced; reflecting that intriguing border between old tech and new tech.

Hand-pulling the prints and binding the books is done here in out Atelier.

Acquired by: 

> The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library (University of Toronto)

> The Bruce Peel Library

(University of Alberta)

> The Library of Congress,

Washington, DC

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Original, hand-pulled prints by Sam Kerson and Katah

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